This Flux combination of Li2O and CaO has interesting colour changes Shiny durable surface..where Calcium is present and as it decreases and the Lithium increases the surface becomes less shiny and the colour becomes a mossy green.and a dull surface.The surface becomes less durable as it increases with the lithium until it finally shivers off the test at tiles 2-A
Tile 6 stands out as being very different and has a beautiful depth of colour and a non crazed durable surface.I would like to test this combination further for my Cobalt green Glaze project.it seems that tile B and six are very different colourwise. Tile B Has Calcium only and turned blue and does not have any lithium in it. Tile 6 has Calcium and some Lithium and it seems that Lithium helps turn cobalt green .of course it still maybe a thickness of application. but it does have exciting connotations.
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