Monday, 23 October 2017

Exhibition pieces for Waimate Art Society 2017

Quirky Planters and fun things have to happen

Its all about trying to survive as a potter and I have decided that I need to make a few things for  bread and butter money..
Poverty is not a good thing and I am hoping that going to some local markets might the journey begins..Quirky Planters, Mugs,Lidded pots Penguins..

Monday, 17 April 2017

Some latest work,unfired at this stage.....

The Dream Creates the Journey

Some images of moving house lol

Not been here for ages so about time to get my A into G

Shifting out of the Gallery 2015        12 1/2 Tonnes in this container ,road blocked off while they tried to shift it lol

Wondering why I stay being a potter REALLY

New place new start and then the fun really begins
No shed, a cantankerous neighbour who doesn't like containers even though he can not
see them from his house and keeps complaining to the council.
Anyway onward and upwards getting my shed built was the next challenge
Actually finding a place to put the shed was a juggling act in itself

Starting to get somewhere now but am waiting for the windows and doors
AND unloading the kilns with wonderful help from friends.Thanks Shane

Got garage doors but no windows yet but hey ho it will happen.
Pretty exciting stuff really, havent seen these kilns for two years,can hardly believe where the time has gone ! AND I should be proud of myself!!Girls can do anything lol