I have been very busy in the last 6 months with a visit back home to the UK to visit family and also I took a few papers in photography and photoshop this year so consequently ceramics was on the back burner,I am now back home full of enthusiasm for Ceramics again and have decided to lower my firing temp from Cone 10 down to Cone 6..the reason for that is I just feel like a change and I like the challange to convert some C10 glazes to C6..so its out with the old and in with the new.whoohoo
My first port of call will be some high Calcium matt glazes that have been a favourite..one was Janet de Boos 101 red yellow and 105 Blue green so it will be interesting to see how they convert
I will be also experimenting with some of Hesselbeth and Roy Cone six glazes and Baileys C 6 too